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Thursday, September 9, 2010 | 3:08 AM
when it's gotta go.. it's gotta go
hmm look at the day i had todae... probably not the best but here it goes...

yesterdae or u cn sae... tis morning... lepak wif the crew in the neighbourhood telling horror stories... yeah ooh scary =.=' try harder guys. had my sahur.. the last ever sahur at macdonalds. with amin, feezy ramoney,
 and helmi salam... went home at ard 4.30. slept till....... oh my goodness... im late for my NS check up tests... tests.. test.... makes me feel like im a henchmen. failed my urine test one time.. wierd.... coz im not high on crack or anything. bla bla bla.... and poof i got an appointment wif a cardiologist.. luckily itz free. SAF paid for it.

hmm... tats all for todae...

ouh ya.... RAYA WISHES..... hahaha!


               Mum and Dad: Nah.... personal :)
To my bestfren since primary skool: Muz
sejak Primary 4... kau ngn kau nyer lame-but-funny jokes reali made it through.
 kau kawan sejati. walaupon kadang2 mcm seseorang. hahahaha! jk jk. selamat hari raye, maaf zahir dan batin. kalau aku terkasar bahase atau tertinggi suara.....  maafkn aku yerr.... hehe! thanx for all those things yg kau bantu aku. kwn yg setia aku mmg tkleh beli. GEREK.... DOKK....... BESTTT!!!!!

To my frenz of pulsify:Firdausi and Khai
u guys came into tis circle wif a reason. it's like a destiny.
mayb itz the reason why i noe Muz in P4. we're a band.
we shared problems and jokes. well... most of the time.... jokes.
haha! selamat hari raye ku ucap kan... dari jauh ku pohon maaf
padahal maseh kt tampines jugak.

To my partner in crime:Hafiz Saidi :) sorry man gotta put ur father's name
haha! at last.. ur'e on ur way to ITE.join the club man!!! haha!
never forget tis guy. he looked kinda groggy at times but he played good football.
thanx for giving me some pointers in imroving my skills and all that stuff.
most important, selamat hari raye maaf zahir dan batin. are we gonna talk about calories tis raye? :)

To my ever so sweet Adik Nissa :)
adik, thank you for being there for me at times of need. Abg hargai ape yg pernah Adik lakukan utk Abg.
im so honoured la actuali. 3 tahun dik... abg mataer ngn sesiape pn tk selama gini. Adik skrg pon dh nk pindah johor. sedih seyh... tpi tkpe.. abg kalau adr motor.... VRROOOMMMM jek haha! hmm tis coming sunday abg ON. hahaha! see ya.. :) and selamat hari raya, maaf kan la segala kesilapan dan kekurangan abg. love u adik :)

To tat sumone:uuhh....
 i remember the dae where we used to be together. walau camne pon. aku tetap tk simpan ape2 dendam kat kau. biarla org ckp aku ni bodoh ke... bingai ke... aku tau perasaan aku tkkn tipu diri sendiri. mungkin aku bukan utk engkau. tpi aku tk berniat nk sakit hati kau. hari raye ni kan... aku nk amek kesempatan ucap kan selamat hari raye maaf zahir dn batin. semoga kau tidak menyombongkan diri.

To my newest fren tat helped change my blog layout:Dee :)
we've chatted, intro watsoever and yeap.. she my new fren.....  thank u for editting my blog.
hmm.. wat to say. dh uat kuih raya belom? nk rase bole??  haha! hantar la kt sini sikit....
ala..... okla... selamat hari raya, maaf di pinta... kalau adr terbiadap ke... terkurang ajar ke... haha! maaf ye.
 kite ni tkle lari dari kekhilafan...

BUDAK2 DWFC is never forgotten! :)
AMaciam korangs?????? never forget the moments i had wif this beautiful team... jgn ketawa ehk korang.. i mean it. haaa! biler mau training lagi eh? aku tau la raye.... hmm selama berapa bulan aku start training balek ngn korg. i feel belonged to tis team. itz where i grow. where i learnt to be a better player. SELAMAT HARI RAYA SEMUA!! :)

To Doraemon:afrinna
hmm... u... i tau i bnyk usik2 u. cnfirm u bingit... dh la... tkmo la bingit2. i will alwaes treasure the memories tat we had. selamat hari raya maaf zahair dan batin :)




Sunday, August 29, 2010 | 11:06 PM
Dull morning....
Ok, the insomnia is taking a toll on me. leaving me a week straight of sleepless nights. hmm... nothing much to blog about todae... recieved a msg from my project leader. Qing wen. he's having a fever and he's not coming to skool. i understand bro. about 2 weeks left till presentation. now i gotta have template to at least hav an idea of what to present in order. let me tell u what bothers me tis morning.. my mum ask me to top up the electric supply outside. she ask me to queue up at the Singapore post. i slept at ard 6am.. woke up at 9.30. cool =.=' 
and dun even get me started about not bathing before going out. tsk! didnt hav enuf bus fare.. yeap.. i noe pathetic ryte? so it made me walk like 15 mins.. b4 reaching the post office. When im finally there, My God! there's a long queue. like longer than expected. i killed time listening to my ipod...(Bob marley's "Ganja Gun" song made me like so down... yet i like it :)  yeah i dun need the ganja... just music for me.. thank u) waited like for a while b4 i got pissed off.... why is taking so long???!!! argghhh.... patient riz u're fasting. waited for nearly an hour. i look stupid at the queue. dozing off while standing. then it was my turn next... pheww.... at last. went home and steal some sleep b4 i go to skool.... tats where i am ryte now.
gotta go... 

One love..

| 1:33 PM
thats why it is called fasting in english.. the time pass by real fast.
hey korg2.... aku mcm gini jugak.. belom tdo... burong hantu nyer perangai. haha! finally Dee tolong aku uat blogskin... thanx Dee. :) ape la aku nk ckp? cepat gile la nk raye.... ni tinggal seminggu. aku sayang bulan ramadan... walaupon aku tau aku tk seberapa warak... bulan ni la yg mengingatkan aku berape susahnyer hidup mereka yg sentiasa kelaparan. makes me appreciate ppl better in other sense. kalau dulu aku liat nk puase... skrg hah... jgn ckp puase.. jogging pon aku bole. "no hal" kata member aku.

Kalau dulu aku harap kan duit raya.... skrg fikiran aku laen pulak.. aku lebih sayang kan mase berasama rakan2 and keluarga. duit dh bole dicari. dh Tua la kate kn.... haha! aku maseh ingt raye dgn member kt woodland... mira, cha2, yana... and kwn dorg jugak. dan di bulan puase la aku knal dorg... tpi ntah la tahun ni camne. ngn keluarga aku jgn ckp, tk kalah jugak kecoh dier.... walaupon aku tk la rapat sngt. ketawa.. nangis... muram.. senyum... semua bole aku lihat pada 1 syawal nnti. aku tk nk nangis time maaf2 bersama dorg nnti. BUROK! tk hensem.. limit2 aku sembunyi dlm toilet 2 minit. tros dah kluar toilet senyum lebar jek. haha! tu la yg aku plan

Monday, August 23, 2010 | 6:25 AM
ytd was like uuurrgghh...... penat sia... alek keje at around 11pm. but on my way home saw fitri and his fren yat. lepak jap ah.... bbl punyer bbl.... dh pukol 1 pagi. It seems tat 3 of us are in the same boat. all with gal problems. hmm not problems... but past. The past is the past... ppl change. my life is worth living without anymore broken heart for now. Relationship? a freaking joke. im not ready and fit for tat. i mean c'mon... wats the rush wif getting hitched? boys and gals.... get some girls, get some guys. mix around a lil bit u noe... u cud hav missed out the details of being single for now. lets list down the number of reasons why we shud stay single for now.

1.Too early
     when u get married to the women or men of ur choice, think about it. u're gonna stay like mayb half of ur life with tat person. mayb even more than tat. there goes ur youth.

2.financially not stable
    as the fact tat some of us are not working. our financial status is like way down the drain. imagine tis, u ask ur mum "mak, cn i have 20 dollars todae? i wanna watch movie wif "someone" " (this point refers to the guys coz most of the time they're paying. muahaha!) See... how wud the gal react if they noe that it's reali not ur money?

3.A reason for some to quit studying and keep on failing.
       Most of the time, u all heard..  "im in love wif that person, doesnt mean im gonna like quit skool. i hav my priorities" easier said than done.... from personal experience and accounts from ppl i noe, it is the line tat separates from being the best and becoming the worst.

4. last but not least....
         We live in a society of conservative people around. the Malay community especially. u wont escape from being a victim of gossip. not that they are being nosey... but tats just people. they wont shut up. i mean come on if u dun think about urself. at least spare a thought about ur parents.

above all. im totally neutral of Early relationships but we all hav limits dun we? only thing tat im gonna share wif u readers is... be ready for urself from head to toe. not a piece of urself missing. im not strongly protesting against this thing but in the meantime.. give me a break

Friday, August 20, 2010 | 1:02 AM
the Owl. 0.0
Went back from werk at around 11 plus ytd.. not even feeling tired... haaa! felt more alive somehow. im beginning to like my new found life. more freedom... more organised.. more complete... but i dun want to hamper my progress in studies. like for this part of my life, im beginning to be aware of my education. hope itz not too late. k watever..... ytd we buke at around 8 plus.. coz the outlet is quite bz... me and Razi had the same break time. i ordered Meatballs wholemeal spaghetti and banana pizza. razi ordered cheese sticks.... PUNYER LA MUAK!!  and theres leftover pizza on the table where we sat. two pieces of meatlover pizza by the previous staff.. aku jugak bedal kasi game! haha! perot teros senak beb!! tkle pikul!! seret pon tkleh.. haha!

closing time..

mcm biase jugak aku handle cheese powder. pastu mop lantai. den
the two of us, me and razi went to dome.. lepak time with the kekek gang.. huahuahua!

aku tau ni post boring..nnti aku try bwk cite best2 k?


Tuesday, August 17, 2010 | 11:48 PM
Previous Blog Confirmed.. DEAD!
welcome to my new blog. i dun think the previous blog is interesting and the fact tat it kept too much of the past. let's move shall we. no more broken hearted boy. I crashed the love car but i survive just to look forward. after a few months of hiatus... wats my story?? hmmm
i gotta job at pastamania serving plate after plate of pasta and pizza. now tat is wad i call REVIVAL. i stood up back on my feet... issue of love?? well more like waiting for forgiveness.. not begging... please? i noe i dun sound good when im angry but all we cant hate each other forever. Allah   maha  kuasa. kalau dier takdirkan utk kiter semua berdamai... confirm jadi. haha!